When you don't have the proper action of the wrists, you are going be to be struggling with consistency. In this video Rob Stanger talks in some detail about the things that you have to have in place to be able to control your club path and club face like a low handicapper.
Rob outlines what he sees as faults in a number of mid to high handicapper swings. Many golfers use body mechanics that end up putting the wrists in a position where you are casting or pushing the club and opening the face through impact. This generates (for the right handed golfer) the path to the left and a face open to the right for a high weak fade. You lose distance and accuracy when you do this. Pushing the club feels strong but it kills efficient impact conditions because your wrists are all backwards.
In my experience, when you have a good swing the wrist positions aren't something that you directly generate with the muscles in the arms, rather they are naturally generated based upon the forces that you generate with the big muscles in the body. In other words, with the proper posture and rotation, the club moves in such as way that you get the wrist angles that Rob outlines. The body rotation leads the club and the arms and wrists pull the club through impact. Rob refers to this body rotation as the engine of the golf swing. If you listen to any of his lessons, he will always emphasize the engine drill which is body rotation.
When you are pulling the butt of the club through the impact with your body mechanics as opposed to pushing the weight of the club through the ball and you will see that the wrists naturally have the positions and actions that Rob outlines here. Notice how after the wrists are hinged on the backswing, Rob's hands are always leading the clubhead through impact. He is pulling the club with the body rotation, not pushing with the arms and hands so the wrists have these solid stable angles through impact. The left wrist is flat to slightly flexed and the right wrist is still extended towards the right elbow at contact. He isn't flipping or pushing with the right wrist.
So as you practice, take the time to monitor how effectively these angles are generated in your swing with the slow motion video and see if you can't get yourself setup for a nice solid draw at impact.
Don't push the club, pull the club through impact with your engine! And your wrists and contact will look like Rob. This is the same video as in a prior blog post, but these are some different thoughts about what you see in the video so I thought I'd post the video again associated with the push vs pull concept.