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Writer's pictureDwain Kinghorn

How Can Head Motion Tracking Improve Your Golf Swing?

Have you ever been on a range and heard someone say, "Keep your head still?" That is TERRIBLE advice. All the best modern players let their head move during a swing. You want to see your head move during transition when you watch your swing on video.

The newest Trackman version allows you to conveniently monitor the correct movement of your head during a swing. When executing a proper transition, the entire spine shifts downward and to the left while retaining the same tilt as during setup. Because the head is linked to the spine, a correct spine transition will also result in the head moving downward and to the left.

In this video coach Nathan Ouimette shows you how to do the proper transition motion.

It is very easy to have the Trackman system track your head motion. In the shot analysis window, notice the green square that is available when you are displaying a video frame. This lets you configure what items you want Trackman to automatically draw for you. Select head circle. Now when you look at your video from a face on perspective you can see if you are moving your spine properly in transition. You should see your head move down and left relative to the setup position.

This video analysis feature works for looking at the pro swings as well. When you select the compare button in the shot analysis screen and pull up a pro swing you can use the same Trackman feature to auto draw the elements for the pro golfer. In picture below you can see how Brooks Keopka has moved his head down and left as part of transition.

allow your head to move during a golf swing
Brooks Keopka Lets His Head Move

For a better grasp and comprehension of how to effectively let your head move during the transition, coach Nate employs several drills with his students during lessons. This guidance will accelerate your progress as you train at Alta View.

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