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You Need This Angle For A Neutral Club Path


One of the things that becomes really evident really quickly as you practice with Trackman is that you need to have a stable neutral club path to be able to hit the ball consistently. I define neutral is just a few degrees positive or negative of dead straight. My experience at Alta View has taught me that those with a sightly in to out path (positive) tend to hit the ball more solidly and get better distance than those that have an out to in path (negative).

When you are looking at your swing on the slow motion video you can look for the position of the shaft at left arm parallel in the downswing. The shaft needs to be pointing either at the ball or a bit outside the ball. If the shaft comes through the transition too steep you are going to have to make compensations. With a steep share what I most often see is the person will stand up to shallow the shaft but that will make the path go left left because you now have to reach for the ball by flexing the right wrist through impact. Correspondingly the left wrist will break down (cup or also referred to as left wrist extension) during impact. This gives you a left path with an open face for a weak fade.

So check out the video above with Adam Scott and Nathan Ouimette to see even though there are some differences in leg angles and the distance they are hitting the ball, the shaft position at left arm parallel is very similar relative to the ball.

Then as you practice take the time to look at this shaft position on your swing and how you got there. The shaft at this point should be MORE SHALLOW than at the left arm parallel on the way up. This CLOCKWISE motion where the shaft shallows through the transition and points to or outside of the ball at left arm parallel is seen in a majority of tour level swings.

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